The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Monday, September 27, 2004

I jump on yet another bandwagon

My friend Lise told me about years ago, and at the time I kind of ignored her. But as I have been finding the monthly rant a pain in the ass to write and format, I thought I'd give this a try.

So here is where I will have occasional (?) jotting and other miscellaneous thoughts. Just what you always wanted, right?

And I'll start with this: I just had my house rewired. It was a sweaty, stinky, messy job, and I'm glad it's over. I'm just not meant to perspire, but it was very inexpensive if I helped the electrician, so perspire I did. My role was to crawl around in the attic and fish wiring down the walls, and rip out the old wiring as it became obsolete. Sometimes I got to use power tools.

I now have many more outlets than I did before, and a huge pile of extension cords. I had no idea that I had that many extension cords.

Now it's an issue of patching the holes that had to be cut to accommodate some of the wiring, insulating the attic, and (ahem) painting my kitchen, which I have been putting off for quite some time.

When all of this is accomplished (sometime in 2018) I will have a new kitchen, new wiring, new bathroom floor, and generally spruced-up space.

Lucky Me.


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