The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Updated the Site!

New interior pictures, more pictures to come.

I have come to the conclusion that I am drowning in stuff! I need to discard some of it, but I hate to give up old fabulousness just to make room for new fabulousness.

The truth of the matter is I need a bigger house, but who can afford it, unless I more someplace hateful like Council Bluffs (where I could get a DREAM of a house for free! Except for the fact that it's in Council Bluffs....)

I just went a little batty and bought a new buffet. And a fabuous bar. Tell me what you think.

Oh, and have a happy Memorial Day! Fly your flag - the conservative jerks don't have the corner on patriotism, you know (they don't even know what it is)


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