The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The State of the Union

1.) What sort of President invites a dog to a speech?

2.) Laura is now in charge of troubled youth. What? She solved the gang problems already?

3.) The Democrats were FABULOUS giving an ovation when George said that they failed to "reform" Social Security. Go Dems!

4.) What sort of tacky family lets their dead soldier's last letter home be used for political purposes?

5.) Cindy Sheehan Rocks. The security force's behavior towards her was disgraceful.

6.) What was up with the guy who gave the Dem's rebuttal? Those eyebrows were a bit much.

7.) New Orleans. Hello??? New Orleans???

OK. That's all I'll say.


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