The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Friday, April 14, 2006

You will notice the banner ad on the right column that says "Good Catholics Use Condoms". It's from a group called ."Catholics for a Free Choice" which is trying to get the church Heirarchy to be a little reality-based in it's view towards family planning and STD prevention by lifting the ban on condom use, and being a bit more humane to rape victims.

While I was raised a Catholic, I left it behind long ago, and only go to church when absolutely forced to (I.E. My dad's funeral, etc) but I support any message to the US conference of Catholic Bishops that is a positive one, especially when it's from "the faithful". Like it or not, these guys operate a lot of social service agencies in the US, and have a lot of clout in Rome. Every little bit, as they say, helps, so I will cede a portion of the real estate on The Good Taste Chronicles and so that dozens of eyes will see their message.

Plus, I think the tagline ("Abstinence has a high failure rate") is cute. And their ads have straightforward message, including - GASP - GAY COUPLES - that doesn't kowtow to the Bishops


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