The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Note to Self: No Ayn Randians before Morning Coffee!!!

When I am late for work (Which, I assure you, hardly ever happens - Today's World is my life) I catch the first few minutes of the Thom Hartman show. Thom is a great guy, and very very smart, but he always starts his show with some conservative weirdo. I guess the idea is to expose us to how the other half "thinks"

This morning they had some guy from the Ayn Rand Institute (No. I won't link to them. They're crazy). I've gone on before about Ayn Rand and how dubious I feel her philosophy is (not to mention how boring "Atlas Shrugged" was. Although "The Fountainhead" wasn't a bad romance novel if you just skip forward to the next chapter anytime Howard Roark starts droning on about something) but this guy really took the cake.

You have no doubt heard of the issue of "net neutrality". If you haven't, you should, because it's important, and will effect even and The Good Taste Chronicles. Basically, the telephone companies are trying to squeeze even more money out of the internet. It's a drag, and they should be ashamed of themselves. It will also adversely effect freedom of speech on the net. You should be against it.

Anyway, this doofus from the Ayn Rand Institute (note: still not linking) kept going on about how the poor companies are suffering because they can't charge for this service, blah, blah, blah... Basically, he was saying, "Please, Please, Please Corporations! Pee on me!!! Please Pee on me!!!" (editorial note: This is not meant to offend any members of the "watersports community" - although one does wonder what they are thinking - but rather to graphically demonstrate how willing members of this philosophical movement are to let corporations, well, pee on them)

This is the Stockholm syndrome without having to go through all the trouble of taking hostages. Proves yet again how simple-minded the Randians (or whatever the hell they call themselves) are.

Anyway. That's it. I'm in a mood today because I have a bunch of scratches on my arms. (We were clearing brush yesterday. Unlike the President, who just likes to talk about clearing bruch, we actually did it) I need to be treated with therapeutic courtesy.


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