The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Another reason to vote DEMOCRAT this fall

As if we need yet another reason....

My mother took ill this weekend. For a time, we feared the worst - that she might be having a heart attack. My sister took her up to the emergency room, they kept her overnight and it turned out to be nothing - or at least nothing immediate - so they released her, and will do a stress test today just to make sure.

If this had happened to an uninsured person, the costs for this little excursion would be catastrophic, particularly if they were what is laughingly considered "middle class". But luckily my mom is old enough that she is covered by Medicare.

Medicare has been proven to be much more cost-efficient than private health insurace, and has insured that a generations of elderly people live not only longer and better lives, but also that they can pass their assets on to their children, instead of having everything drained away prior to their death.

The Repulsicans have, of course, set their sites on Medicare, just like they have on Medicaid and Social Security. (btw, If you are one of those people who thinks that Social Security is a "scam" or that "you can invest your own money better", you have no business reading the Good Taste Chronicles. Naive Rubes or Greedy Bastards are not welcome here.)

My message is this: If you have elderly parents, or are wanting someday to become elderly yourself, you need to do yourself a favor and get these bastards out of office.

OK, now that I've gotten that off my chest: While waiting to hear what was going on back home I updated all sorts of things on : House pictures, pet pictures, the Betty MacDonald page, and the Gracious entertaining page. Go spend some worktime there!


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