The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Life in the Village: The End is Near!

Dear, dear readers, tomorrow morning I jet off to Chicago, where I will join the colonel who is there for a Terribly Important Meeting regarding the National Rail System.

Wednesday, we shall be leaving aboard the Empire Builder, bound for Essex Montana, where we shall spend a relaxing evening and day at the Issac Walton Inn. From there, we we will reboard the Empire Builder for a short trip to Whitefish and, after a lovely evening there, we will once again board the "Builder" for the final trip on into Seattle.

It shall be a rather deluxe trip, of course. I'll try to get some pictures for you all to enjoy, as you ponder the possibilities of trans-continental rail travel.

It's been a lovely trip, of course, but I shall be happy to return home to Chez Vel-DuRay, where we keep the thermostat set on something under 80 degrees, and the decor is the last word in Taste and Style. Mother VDR is a dear, of course, but her home lacks that certain elan that One Comes To Expect.

So Au Revoir, Darlings! Regards will be sent from the Windy City and the Rails!


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