The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ach, what a day it's been....

It was a truly dreadful day today: Rainy and windy. Even with my stylish white Prius, it was hard to keep my hairdo from flattening, and my paperwork dry. Being a traveling home electrical representative - even in Our Better Neighborhoods - is not all orchids and limosuines, I'm here to tell you.

And then, to top it all off, on the way home, a perfect DOWNPOUR! So I did what any sensible home electrical representative would do: I pulled off the interstate, headed for Capitol Hill and That's Atomic, and bought a new dress for Mrs. Dan Langdon, who has been somewhat in the fashion doldrums recently.

After the rains subsided, I drove home, poured myself a glass of wine, and gave her a makeover. All of my cares vanished, and my hairdo miraculously rose.

So what do you think? Isn't she pretty?


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