The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

A Paean to Ny-Quil

Ach, I have been so sick!

It really and truly snuck up on me. I was fine on Thursday. I went to the Seattle Central library (which gets more annoying as the years go by. We were really taken for suckers on that one) to pick up a book, and then went home to meet The Colonel and The Greek, who was over visiting. Went to bed early, no problems.

Friday I woke up, feeing a bit off, with sort of a deep cough, but went to work anyway. but by noon I was a pathetic, sniveling heap of jelly, with the chills and the fever and the drama, so I did the sensible thing: Went home and laid in bed and moaned and felt very sorry for myself.

I had bought some of those Mucinex tablets, because I thought that they might work for what ailed me: After all, their commercials always show how when your lungs are being used as a living room by repellent yet loveable creatures, Mucinex makes them go away. Well, they didn't, and by Saturday, I was feeling much worse. This was truly a drag, as I had all sorts of things I wanted to accomplish, but all I could do was lie around and moan (which gets really old really quick)

After a dreadful night, I finally convinced The Colonel to get me some Ny-Quil, which knocked me out for several hours. Now, I don't feel 100% (far from it) but at least I feel half-way not dead, and that's an improvement. Ny-Quil is wondnerful stuff.


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