The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Here we go again.....

Darlings, it looks like poor New Orleans is about to get hit again. So The Colonel is packing his bags and heading down there this morning to work on an emergency response team to ferry people out of town on emergency trains.

Just as a reminder of the debacle that was Katrina, Amtrak tried to do this then, but was blocked by FEMA, because they took over the Amtrak station to use as a jail.

Amtrak is uniquely suited for this, because the station, like the Superdome, is on high ground, and the rails are built up above the waterline, even during a flood.

Let's hope that it doesn't happen again. Because if it doesn't, The Colonel can go to Southern Decadence, the annual big gay party, which is supposed to start in NOL this weekend.


  • At 8:58 AM, Blogger Sylvia O'Stayformore said…

    Oh my,
    Send him my good wishes and let me know if you need to get into some distractions like bridge parties or what not.


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