Darlings, it's been AGES, simply AGES, since I posted. But I do have a somewhat good-ish reason: I swore to myself that I wouldn't bore you with another electricity post, or one of my political tirades, and - well - that didn't leave me with much to say.
So today, when The Colonel was at work, making terribly executive-type decisions, I spring free. I hopped on the 11:20 to Centralia, Washington, and had an afternoon of shopping.
It was there that I found a split vegetable dish that I can actually approve of. Look at this:

Long-time readers of TGTC will no doubt remember my strong disapproval of
split vegetable dishes. And that feeling still stands. It's simply that when you see one like this, all nice and innocent looking - looking like any other sort of buffet warmer you might run across in a tasteful home - you can't help but forgive it for it's irritating purpose.
Besides, I can see it coming in very handy at a Cocktail Buffet or Election Night Lap Supper. It's dual-purposed, and I like that in a server.
So it just goes to show you that things can change. I can write a post that is not about electricity, or politics, and I can even find it in my heart to adopt a split vegetable dish.
(But now that I've proven that to myself, just wait until I tell you about this horrible woman I had to deal with over in Laurelhurst the other day: All boobs and lips, and none of them original. She didn't even know where her electric meter was located. Can you imagine?)