The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

God, people are stupid....

After the tragedy in London this morning, I happened to wander into a message board that I frequent that talks about vintage stuff.

For some reason, a thread about the London attacks had started. All of the people posting (mostly Americans, of course) were saying truly moronic things. The most mornonic thing was some drivel about how "Satan is all around us"

Satan? Hardly.

What causes terrorism? Extreme poverty. What causes poverty? Lack of education and economic opportunity, both of which are rampant in the middle east.

Why are they rampant? Because the west supports crappy governments who squander the oil money, concentrate it among an elite class, and let the rest of the citizens fend for themselves.

That's it in a nutshell kids. No bogeyman. No Satan. Just humans treating other humans like shit, and the wealthy countries standing on the throats of those in the third world.

It's all about the greed. What did Jesus say about the greed?



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