The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Major Score!

So last night I was out and about and decided to stop at a thrift store. I've been kind of down on thrift stores recently, because they seem to be getting pretty slim in the pickings. I blame this on eBay and the fact that all the old people who have the cool stuff are dying off.

So I wasn't expecting much of anything when I went into this store, but found one of the best scores I have found in many a day: A 42" Noguchi "Cyclone" table!

It's an "iconic" piece of mid-century highbrow, and it only set me back $100!!! They still make these, and they retail for $1400!!

Of course, I don't have a place to put it, but don't worry about it - I will find a place!


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