The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

And so it continues.....

This floor project is both sticky and dreary, but so far it is paying off. We've got half the kitchen done, but we still have to do the area in front of the stove and the sink, so keep your fingers crossed.

The worst part is scrubbing the linoleum to get the adhesive off. I haven't worked this hard since I was on the set-up crew at the Iowa Memorial Union, and that was AGES ago. But it reminds me of why I used to be so shapely. The bosom I had back then from swinging a mop has gradually crept southward, pretty much covering what was at least a respectable four-pack. But if I kept this up for a while I might remain some of my former glory. On balance, however, I think I'd just be the frowsy mess I am. (Feel free to post comments protesting as to how I am still lovely and lean)

I really need to take a picture, so that you can see the contrast.


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