The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

When the going gets tough, the tough buy samovars

Day two of Jury Duty went by with a new twist: Today I got added to a jury.

As you doubtless know, I can't talk about it until it's over, so I won't. But there were certain elements of it that I found very sad, so to cheer me up, I went out to the Pioneer Square Antique Mall and bought me a new (to me) Samovar.

It was designed by Ben Siebel for Iroquis China Company in the "Blue Diamond" informal pattern. It is really rather deluxe, and make a nice contrast to the other Ben Siebel Samover I bought (known around these parts as the "Reno Samovar")

Anyway, here it is. Mull over it for a while while I go back to deliberating.


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