The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Trying to focus....

Ugh. The things I do for you people....

Yesterday, after a hectic day at Today's World, a day fraught with the usual drama and glamour of fashion! fashion! fashion! I electroluxed down to the Sea-Tac Marriott to participate in a music focus group.

Imagine this: an ugly hotel ballroom full of middle-aged people, and myself (having reached "a certain age", but CERTAINLY not MIDDLE) listening to snippets of 631 - yes, 631! - songs, and rating them on the following scale:

Never heard it
like it lots
like it some
never liked

Why do I do it? Certainly not for the sixty dollars. I do it for you. I do it so that there can be a little bit of input from people of taste and breeding. I did this to protect you from the likes of Phil Collins, Brian (or is it Bryan?) Adams, Journey, and Kansas - all of which received a firm NEVER LIKED from me.

(If I continue to do this, it is my hope to erradicate both "Freebird" and "Dust in the Wind" from the public airwaves in our lifetime.)

I have to say - what with the military raising the maximum age for recruits to 42 now, things must be going badly with the war: None of the people in attendance looked like they'd be able to do much of anything in the way of defense. The average poundage was impressive, and the labored breathing was all too obvious, as we struggled over our little fill-in-the-dots-with-a-number-two-pencil forms.

And radio people wonder why no one listens to radio..... If all of the programming decisions are being made by aging, slack-jawed yokels at tacky airport hotels, I don't have much hope for the technology.

But enough: Today is Today's World's Annual Company Picnic! We'll be assembling at one of our more deluxe waterfront parks to "Mosh" and "Gab". I supplying a trio of cold salads. They're bound to be impressed.


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