The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

..and they say Amtrak is a waste of money????

I know I promised you a piece on taste, but this one is just too funny. I'll try very hard from crossing over into the gross, but it will be difficult.

the folks over at have discovered that when the President went to Europe recently, he took a powder room with him. He used this powder room exclusively, and whatever he left behind there (if you catch my drift) was sent back to the United States for destruction.

One can only wonder why we are being so private about our presidential discards. While one part of me thinks that perhaps they are worried about someone finding evidence of drug or alcohol use, there is always the distinct possiblity that our leader could share the feelings that many toddlers have: that that their "accomplishment" is something that must be jealously guarded, and proudly displayed to selected adults. One can only imagine Laura, Condi and Dick being summoned to the special presidential porta-potty and.... well, let's not dwell on that, shall we?


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