The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Happy Monday!

What a weekend! To those of you who didn't know, it was Gay Pride Weekend here in Seattle!!! That meant lots of festivities, bare skin, bad wigs, and alchohol consumption.

Truth be told, I missed most of the festivities, and I sort of regret that now. This year was a first, in that the parade was held downtown, and the Colonel reports that it was a huge success. He also attended the Saturday Night march that went down Broadway and ended up at Volunteer Park, where he say Sylvia O Stayformore's Gentleman Friend on a Scooter, looking fabulous as all get-out.

I did venture out with Mother Vel-DuRay for some stately cocktails at The Old Home Place, and it was quite the party. Mother knows such interesting people, and they all hang out in bars, so naturally they were all there. There were some spilled beers and such mishaps, but everyone had a lovely time regardless, and everyone got some much-needed sun.

As many of you know it's been very warm here, which makes one do unusual things, and I am no exception. The heat drove me to redo the rain lamp, and create a tribute to one of my favorite cartoon mascotts, Reddy Kilowatt. Some people think I have too much time on my hands, but I argue it's just poor time management. Anyway, what do you think?


  • At 8:35 AM, Blogger Sylvia O'Stayformore said…

    Lovely tribute. Love the water feature.

    NOW do one in your front yard!!!!!

    Drove by yesterday to see all the dead vanagons and the lovely blue truck.



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