The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Some random thoughts about my morning commute.

1.) The corner where I get off the bus smells like Poppers every morning. I don't know what goes on there overnight, and I don't want to know. Who'd have thought that Ben Bridge Jewelers would be such an erotic draw.

2.) I have a choice of two bus lines in the morning: The bus that comes in from the suburbs is cleaner and the people are more respectable, but their reading choices tend towards romance novels and business books. The local bus that goes through Beacon Hill has more literate people, but is crowded and full of crazies. All in all, I'll take the suburbanites.

3.) I finally have something nice to say about Westlake Mall! In the mornings, before the stores are open but the mall is open for people to cut through, they play lovely Muzak that is straight out of 1973!

4.) The Westin's coffee shop continues to be a battlefield, littered with the remains of senior citizens and ruined businesspeople.

Thanks to all of your who wrote expressing concern for Mom. Turns out she is fine, cardiac-wise. They just think it may be a gall bladder thing, which I guess is easily resolved. In the meantime, they've got her on some sort of painkiller which brings back memories of her "change of life" years and Valium.


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