The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Take a Kennedy Moment...

I was going to write today about a great KitchenAid Mixer I got at the thrift store (and I probably still will) but I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the Kennedy Family.

As an Irish-Catholic, it was of course required that We admire the Kennedys: We came from the same clan after all, and they succeeded brilliantly (where we just succedded. Somewhat). Sure, old Joe Kennedy wasn't the best daddy, and some of the stuff he did to get their money was a tad cringy, but really, he just took advantage of dumb Republican economical policies, so there you are.

And they keep getting better: Each generation seems to be smarter and more altruistic. They do important things with their money - things that help people other than themselves. They are sort of the opposite of the Bush family, who made most of their money off of dealing with the Nazi's (even old Joe wouldn't do that, although he kind of liked Hitler at first. But he soon realized what a stinker he was) The Bushes get more dumber and more inbred with each generation. Probably because no one wants to marry them, even with all their money.

Of course, being a Kennedy has its drawbacks: For one thing, none of them can fart without a thousand conservative boneheads pointing and going "EWWWWWWWW!!!!!" And those same dreary people keeep bringing up Teddy Kennedy and Chapaquidic (or however that's spelled) Never mind that he was acquitted, and has done all sorts of truly wonderful things since then. You sure don't see OJ Simpson reinventing himself as a statesman, do you? Not that Teddy Kennedy is anything like OJ Simpson. For starters, he dresses much better, and his children don't hate him.

It just stands to reason that, with so many of them, some are going to have problems. I come from a large extended family on my Mom's side, and if we were famous, you wouldn't believe the field day the tabloids would have over us. Unlike the Kennedy's, however, we have a few dullards who have become Republican (hey there Nora and Mary Emma!). Mostly because of their husbands, which just goes to show that my aunts should have worked harder on their daughter's self-image issues, because they're not stupid, just naive. But that's not important right now.

Anywho, They're just neat, neat, neat people. And they know how to dress. America is lucky to have them.

Now, onto the Mixer.....

In all the excitement of the putting together of The Lodge Room and The Game Room. I totally forgot to show you my latest score!

First, allow me to set the scene: Me, in the Highlander (this was during Sven's unfortunate braking episode) driving around downtown Kent. I spot the Children's Hospital Thrift Store. I say to myself "Should I or shouldn't I?" and I very nearly don't. But I do, and it's there that I find this

Yes, it's a KitchenAid Mixer, but it's not just any old KitchenAid Mixer: It's a Hobart-era KitchenAid Mixer (KitchenAid was originally the retail brand for Hobart. It was sold to Whirlpool in 1986 or thereabouts) and it was priced at $10, so of course I had to get it.

Hobart didn't/doesn't mess around, and these mixers were built like the proverbial brick comfort station. Made in America, by union laborers (as opposed to today's mixers, which are assembled by essentially slave labor, and have been plagued with problems) And it's HEAVY: Your coorospondent was panting and perspiring by the time he got it back to the car.

The lady told me that it had just gone out on the floor, and I'm not suprised: As most anyone can tell you, these puppies go for a couple of hundred bucks.

I can't tell if it's "Sunny Yellow" or "Harvest Gold", but I don't much care: It's just neat.

Of course, this would seem to indicate that I need to do some baking - it would be piggish of me to buy this and not use it, particularly since it was such a steal - but I find that I have to be inspired to bake. So I shall carefully peruse the owner's manual, and see what catches my fancy.

Let's just take one more look: Isn't it pretty? And it's hard-working and eminently functional. It could be a Kennedy.....


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