The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

On the Gritty Streets of Ballard....

Darlings, as I've undoubtedly mentioned before, the life of a Traveling Home Electrical Service Representative is not all orchids and limosines. Especially on hot days like this, which tend to bring out the worst in Seattleites. (we get cranky when our mildew starts to tan)

I have phone hours from 8am-10am, then I am out to "the field", where I encounter all sorts of unusual people. Like the woman today who asked me to hold on for a minute until she could put her teeth in. Or the do-it-yourselfer who greeted me in a thong (Why is it at the the wrong people invariably wear the thongs? Probably because there are only about one thousand people on the planet who can pull that look off, and apparently none of the live in Seattle)

But at least there is a glimmer of sanity out there, despite the heat. It was evidenced today by the woman at the Safeway, who sat down across from me at lunch, looked me square in the eye, and confided "It's days like this that made me give up wearing girdles"

The forecast is for more heat, and a lot more noise, as the Blue Angels and the Hydroplane Races descend upon Seattle this weekend to inexplicably enthrall the masses.

But more on that later...


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