The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

God, Republicans are stupid, Example 3,948,545,657,897

Two of my co-workers are having a discussion. It's all I can do to keep from strangling one of them.

He just said "I'm against the death tax. I don't want the governent taking my money when I die"

(He's a city employee. We don't make enough money to qualify for the inheritance tax. We barely make enough to qualify for income tax.)

Before that he said "The middle class is doing great. Look at the linemen and their cars and boats"

The linemen are highly specialized craftsman. They make a lot of money because of their union contract. They also have a lot of credit.

Speaking of contracts, Our contract (for traveling electrical service hostesses) is getting us a 12% raise (retroactive to two years ago), AND keeping our health care premiums at the same price as the last contract, plus a cost of living raise each year for the length of the new contract.

Earlier, he said that low taxes for the wealthy means more money for us all.

In the decade of our greatest prosperity, the 1950's, the tax rate on the rich was around 87%. Most public colleges were free, or charged almost nothing, by the way.

But what really got me worked up was when he said that big government was inefficient, and that government projects never work.

We (the major concern) ARE big government. We get a big chunk of our power from Roosevelt-era, government-owned dams on the Columbia River, the balance of our power supply coming from dams owned by the city. Those dams helped Boeing become the success it is now, which lead to our region's prosperity, and helped the US win the second world war. They also insure that Seattle has the lowest electrical rates of any big city in the United States. Also, when Mr. Brain Trust leaves work tonight, he will take the government ferry over to his place in Port Orchard.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Republicans are stupid. But this one's old, and he'll retire soon (on a government pension) and then die, proving that there's always a bright side to things, right?

That's all. Thanks for reading. It kept me from committing workplace violence.


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