The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Special Report: Save the Ballard Denny's!

I interrupt our current series, on the transformation of that corner in the basement, to say a few quiet words about the old Ballard Denny's building.

With the announcement that the Sunset Bowl is slated for demolition, it becomes apparent that SOMETHING in Ballard should be saved, and I vote for this building.

Development and density is all fine and good. I fully understand the economic realities of Seattle's real estate market. I'm just voting for some more pizazz and local flavor than what is overtaking Ballard. Why not build condos to the north and west of the Denny's, and put a fine dining restaurant in the Denny's building? Some sort of Tom Douglas-y, Asian fusion-ish place to match the vaguely Norwegian-meets-Polynesian design. I mean, just look at this place - the Ballard Denny's, circa 1968.

I know there's the dreary bean counter set who are tapping the pencils and muttering about cost per square foot, revenue, and other assorted blah blah blah, but surely something can be worked out. Perhaps a height variance can be granted to allow for more salable space on the lot, to take up for that is lost to the Denny's airspace? I'll leave that to the technocrats.

While were at it, why can't the developers who are building on the Sunset Bowl site do something innovative - like put a bowling alley in the new complex? (It's owned by something called Rhapsody partners, so I don't see that happening, but one can hope) Or must we always conform to some eastside developer's vision for what Seattle should look like? A vision that seems to incorporate the worst of Tuscany with a few Gables and eaves thrown in for that "northwest" feeling?

Arise, ye members of the Seattle Architectural Community (both north and south end) and demand innovative new design that incorporates local flavor AND maximizes land value! You have nothing to lose but yet another Walgreens and Starbucks! Let's not let Ballard become west Omaha!!!


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