The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Wouldn't you know it. There I go, spouting off about Ny-Quil and how great it is, and suddenly I get worse?

So Monday morning, after a night of unspeakable indignities (and not of the fun kind, either), I went straight to the Polyclinic, sans vocce (luckily I had the Colonel along with, because I doubt I could have driven) and went to see the Doctor, where I was told I have "a touch" of pneumonia!!!

Why, I was as shocked as any other red-blooded American housewife, but the good Doctor went on to explain that they have been seeing a lot of this this year and that while I should have come to the clinic sooner (try THAT on a weekend!) he was awfully afraid that I'd make a full recovery.

So he sent me back home with some antibiotics, and the stern instructions to stay away from The Major Concern for the week. So here I am, just me and the doggies. And Sputnik, of course (who, once I started to mend, completely lost interest in me. Drama cat).

I'll keep you posted - as I know you're all on the edge of your seats now - but I do feel 900% better than I did yesterday morning, and almost have my voice back. But watch out, darlings - this is not a "fun" malady: If you start feeling a bit feeble, seek out your physician!

And here's a happy home hint for you: If you get sick, leave the TV off. Daytime TV only makes things worse.


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