The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

One In, One Out

We've been doing a bit of spring cleaning around Chez Vel-DuRay, and I have reduced the hostessing inventory quite a bit. Nothing drastic, darlings - I'm still perfectly capable of throwing a wedding and wake consecutively, and don't you forget it - but there's just so many lazy susans, chafing dishes, and chip 'n dips one needs. I can now move freely about the basement, and that's a good thing.

But as luck would have it, I ventured down to Tacoma today, and found some really lovely things: A stunning table lamp, a wooden serving tray with built-in coffee warmer, and this:

Yes, I know it looks like a tiny flying saucer landed on the kitchen counter, but its really an electric skillet! And not just any electric skillet, but a Cory Party Chef! Yes, that's right - A PARTY CHEF!!!!

I went directly home, and whipped up a heaping batch of Hamburger Helper (not knowing if it worked or not, I didn't want to risk anything expensive - after all, aren't we are in a depression or something?) but it turned out flawlessly. Or at least as flawlessly as Hamburger Helper can ever turn out.

But in my strict new regime of one-in/one-out, something had to go. I already had a Farberware electric skillet, which is an excellent piece of kitchenware, but I need two electric skillets like I need another hole in my head. So it is gone: Sent to the blind, who are always coming through here asking for something.

It feels good to be a minimalist - or as much of a minimalist as someone who owns a champagne fountain and two mannequins can be - and I'm sure there is someone out there who will enjoy a Farberware electric skillet as much as I will enjoy a party chef.


  • At 10:48 AM, Blogger Sylvia O'Stayformore said…

    Oh my word, I totally saw this same thing in Wichita last weekend in the back corner at lovely "high end" shop. It wasn't as nice as this one though. Great find darling!


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