The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Friday, October 01, 2004

John Kerry Wins!

OK, this really isn't a political blog, but I'm excited about the elections, so you're going to be hearing from me about this from time to time.

There's no way around it - Kerry was the winner of the first debate. He left Georgie-boy squriming and uncomfortable, able only to repeat his "flip-flop" charge ad nauseum, and showing what a poor leader he really is. Hopefully, this will wake up enough Americans to the need for change in November.

By the way, my friend LORA! coined a great phrase - "Flip the FLOP out of the White House"

As Kerry's momentum builds it will be fun to hear those chants of "Four More Years" become even more shrill and desparate than they already are.

In other news, My Metlox Navajo china pattern is getting more serving pieces. I finally got the coffee pot, and am hoping to score the oil and vinegar cruets and fork and spoon set for the salad bowl.

And remember to buy Tide, Crest and Pampers - help counteract the "Christian" Fundamentalist Freaks boycott of these products.


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