The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

OK, something light....

I've been bitchy on my last couple of posts, which is not indicative of my overall mood. I'm actually giddy as a schoolgirl over some exciting developments that only a few of my entourage know about (they're probably the two readers of this blog, so let's keep it to ourselves, Mrs Doctor Meyer and Miss Stayformore)

One of the things I'm ready to talk about that I think will be news even to the two stately ladies is my Fabulous "new" NuTone Food Center!!!!

In my quest for the ultimate built-in push-button kitchen, I have installed one of these. It works like a dream, and is the last word in kitchen convenience - although the mixer is a little weird. But I'm sure I will get used to it.

And another thing: I am rediscovering Formica.

As a Social Icon and international trendsetter, I really appreciate the convenience and forgiveness of formica counters, tabletops, etc. Clean up is a breeze, and if you get tired of the look, you just pick a new one out!

The colonel and I recently disagreed over Formica when I went out and found a dining table with a Formica top, but I think he is coming around to my way of thinking. Since my social set includes a seven year old and 9 month old, it really is a wise choice - at least for now. Plus, when doing something "fancy", you're going to put a cloth on the table, right?

But it's Summer, and the emphasis is on the outdoors! Summer dining, Summer Loving, Summer Cocktails - and that means a Blender! And who wants to go into the kitchen (even a stylish, push-button kitchen) for a refreshing blended drink? So it's time for a Patio Blender!

This is a blender to end all blenders. It now only blends AND stirs, it can also heat things up! Perfect for those sauces and things you might need when barbecuing.

So see - life isn't all dead cats and hatred of Republicans. There's a new built-in kitchen center, Falling in love (again) with Formica, and a new blender for the Patio. PLUS, Special Summer Suprises! Things could be much worse.


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