The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Art of Pulling it out of your Ass: The O'Reilly Factor

You really have to hand it to Bill O'Reilly. I mean that.

He is so polished at lying. And he's so good at playing to the Angry Middle Aged White Failure guy. You know the type: He blames his every problem in his life on his wife, or Affirmative Action, or "the Mexicans", or something like that.

I had one of them in the house not long ago - he was putting a gas line in the kitchen, and I sat there and listened to him go on about how women in the workplace has made prices go up (????) I think perhaps he'd breathed in a bit too much natural gas. He also told me about he ordered prescription pain killers on the internet and used them every Friday night. A real neat person.

Or this fat smelly slob that I had dinner with on the train. He ate all the dinner rolls (spitting half of them out while he talked), and dominated the conversation about how global warming was a myth - supposedly what we are experiencing now is a result of "volcanic activity on the ocean floor".

Oh yes - and how he hated "the Mexicans".

That's who O'Reilly plays to - stupid failures. Stupid failures who believe ANYTHING and love to be angry. That's right up O'Reilly's alley.

But back to pulling things out your ass: O'Reilly was interviewing this woman who had done some studies that seemed to prove that Gay Marriage (or, more correctly, Civil Unions) have been a huge success in Sweden. O'Reilly cited "government studies" that proved that traditional marriage had completely collapsed following the legalization of Civil Unions in that country.

There was no study. O'Reilly totally made it up. Pulled it out of his ass, as it were.

You have to admire someone who is such a smooth liar. He didn't bat an eye, and when his statistics were questioned, he simply said that these were "government figures" and therefore "irrefutable". (This coming from the same man who would not hesitate to write off numbers from the Congressional Budge Office or any other government agency as "manipulated by bureaucrats". Or Liberals)

If nothing else, it's good to see someone who takes pride in his craft.

Just to prove that I'm not pulling this out of MY ass, here's the link to the transcript of O'Reilly and the gay marriag thing


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