The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

OK, just one more.....

It never rains, but it pours here at

They released the autopsy info on Terri Schaivo today, and it proves everything I suspected. The girl was dead. Had been dead for a really long time - just the body remained, and that body was in sad shape. Multiple fractures from being in bed for a long time, etc.

Since the whole Schaivo thing happened, I went through the death of my dad. That was a rough, rough time for the entire family (My mom, my sister, My Uncle Bob and Aunt Marilyn, My Uncle Harry and Aunt Jean)

He was on a ventilator and feeding tube. The first couple of days he was concious and aware of us. He couldn't talk, but he could signal: squeeze your hand, wink an eye, etc.

After a few days, something happened. We're not sure what, maybe a stroke, but he wasn't there anymore. After a few more days, the time came to make decision, and we did. It wasn't even a decision really - we knew he was gone.

The doctors agreed. The parish priest agreed. The nun at the hospital in charge of "pastoral care" agreed. My sister's best friend, a Presbyterian Minister, agreed. So they took him off the ventilator, and we sat with him for the few minutes it took.

I bring all this up only because of this: When I think of what a shitty, shitty, time that was for us, tucked away in a hospital in a little town in Iowa, I can't even begin to think how terrible it was for the other families who were using that Schaivo hospice. For Terry Schaivo's family to have drawn out that inevitable outcome, to have allowed that macabre circus to form, to allow that fucking FOX news to turn into the sadistic crapfest it was, is beyond comprehension.

And for those supposedly "God-Fearing" politicians to attempt to score points on it is indicative of what is seriously fucked up about this country. It's one thing to say that you're "pro-life", but that was anything but.

I hope, gentle reader, that you never have to go through anything like that. But if you do, remember the horrific extended death of Terri Schaivo.

OK, I'll stop being a bummer now.


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