The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

HoLiDaY HaPpEnNiNgS!

The colonel is quite pre-occupied this month with yet another crushing responsibility: He is dogsitting these ridiculous dogs that live down by the airport.

These dogs - we call them "The Griswalds" have absolutely no pizzazz. Unlike Shadow and Crackers, they just sit there. They are ex-showdogs, which is sort of like being and ex-Ziegfield girl, but without all the stories. They are also quite large and eldery, and require various drops and sprays, which means that this gig is much more complicated than the usual "fill the bowls and pick up the poop" duties inherenent in dogsitting.

So it will be me and the livestock at home for the next week or so, as the Greek is coming back on Saturday, and going out on the train again on Sunday. On the 19th, I depart for my customary holidayAmtrak trip, returning on New Year's Day.

But it's a constant social whirl prior to that: On the 9th, I have both the office Christmas Luncheon AND Catalina Vel-DuRay's office party (and evening affair). On the 12th, I have the Beacon Hill Neighborhood Holiday Potluck. Since the neighbors all look to me for hints and tips on being a high-class person, it's my duty to attend.

I'm sure I'll just collapse from fatigue once I'm on the train, and shall have to be coddled and cooed over by the crew on the train, but that's why I go first class.


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