The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Tacky Tacky Christians

As usual, the denser among us (and in America that means fundamentalist Christians) have missed the point. The latest rage in the Bible set is to get your panties in a bunch about stores that use "Happy Holidays" in their advertising, instead of "Merry Christmas"

Now, just think about that for a moment.

Jesus, whether divine or not, had a basic message about helping the poor, and treating people nice. Do unto others, and all that jazz. In all the years I went to church (and we went to church a lot) I don't remember ANY gospel about using the right terminology when shopping.

If anything, you'd think these "Christians" would be a little embarrased with how tacky everything has gotten at Christmas, and might be telling people to chill out a bit. But no - that would not play into the current vogue of the victimized Christian.

But it's all part of what I call "Smelly Fart Christianity": Make a big stink to show how pious you are, then go out and screw over your neighbor.

In other news, our office charity this year is the Friends of King County Animal Shelter. One of the things the need is called KRM - Kitty replacement milk. It's for the kittys who don't have mother cats to nurse them. I'd never realized that was a problem before.

They also want (among other things) baby wipes, used pet carriers and (clean) old towels. Not to mention good old-fashioned cash to defray the cost of vet care. So if you are feeling charitable, check 'em out at


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