The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Monday, April 03, 2006

What sort of wine goes with crow?

You, dear readers, have read on these hallowed pages some very strong condemnations of fundamentalist Christians over the years. And I stand behind 99.9999% of them. But sometimes you see things that in all fairness, you should point out. Particularly after I went on that whole Bible class thing a few weeks back.

Here is an interesting article about some Evangelicals that are starting to see the light about how vulgar the GOP is. While I am certain that these ministers and I don't see eye-to-eye on the majority of issues, their positions on the environment, labor, and economic justice are "spot on". I can even live with their positions on abortion! (focus on reducing pregnancies in the first place rather than beating the same dead horse about abortion. While I am adamantly pro-choice, I think the meat of the issue is sex education and access to contraception.) It's about time that some fundies figure out that the GOP will never kill their cash cow: the "scourge" of legalized abortion.

While I'm certain that these ministers would not be in favor of, say, the colonel and I waltzing off to Las Vegas for a honeymoon, their enlightened stances on other issues, and willingness to look beyond political parties, is pretty refreshing. Because, after all, ruining the planet is the height of vulgarity - even worse than the garishness of excessive corporate profits while people starve.

Maybe there's hope for the Christians yet.


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