The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

It might as well be Spring.....

OK, I really do think that it's safe to assume that Spring has Sprung here at, and in the Puget Sound as well. The thing about Seattle is that if you take your eye off the ball for even a second, blackberries, ivy or moss is going to grow on it, so it is also the time for gardening.

The colonel (who handles these things - I have a brown thumb) has already started clearing the front yard, which hasn't been cleared since the Reagan administration. So far, he has caused quite a stir in the architectural and academic circles in which we tend to travel, but they are the tense and nervous types, so I try to deflect things with a smile and carefree laugh, with occassonial well-timed reference to current affairs. So far, it has worked.

We're finding all sorts of interesting things as we dig through the wilderness: handbags, construction materials, a really stunning collection of ashtrays, and - most astoundingly - a large piece of teal plastic roofing material of the sort that people use for covered patios or carports. I have no idea how it got there, but since the couple that owned the house before us were quite elderly, and hadn't had the ability to care for the yard for several years, it's entirely possible that someone lived there for a few weeks at one point.

Of course, there are practical as well as esoteric reasons for all this land clearing; Not only are were hoping to keep it from becoming a HAVEN FOR CRIME, we also have something of a vested interest in making sure the hill doesn't go anywhere, as we would undoubtedly go with it. So we are going to go rather nutso planting plants that are the sort of plants that tend to keep slopes in place. I keep the aforementioned archetectural and academics types all edgy by speaking vaguely about illuminated American flags and ten foot statues of the Blessed Mother, but in all honesty, I don't think we'll go there.

In other news, we are edging, edging, edging closer to the point where the work in the kitchen will be done, at which point I can post pictures for you to eye enviously. I am assured by both the Colonel and the Greek that once it is done, we can start the painting (or rather THEY can start the painting. I am not a good painter. I'm more of the conceptual type, but I promise to make a nice post-painting dinner) which means that even more pictures will be forthcoming, and then we can finally have a party.

Well, after the deck gets rehabilitated that is. It's always something.


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