The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

I just got a call from the NRA!

(editorial note: I haven't forgotten about you, darlings. Blogger, the people who enable "The Good Taste Chronicles" has been having some problems, and I haven't been able to post. But here I am)

So I was just sitting here, and the phone rang.

Me: Hello?

Voice: Is this Dan Langdon?

Me: Yes.

Voice: I'm calling from the NRA, and I wanted to thank your for your support in the past. Let me ask you a question: What would you do if the UN came into your home and took your guns.

Me: Well, that's a pretty improbable, reactionary question. Since I don't have any guns, I think they'd be disappointed. I think you have the wrong Dan Langdon. I've never supported you, and I can't imagine I ever would.

Voice: Sorry to take your time.

Me: Not at all, not at all.

So how do you think the NRA got MY name? That would be like the ACLU calling Ann Coulter (who is still an evil bitch, btw)


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