The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Actually, I do have some nostaliga...

I wrote a couple of weeks ago that I had no nostalgia for the 1950's, despite my obsesssive collection of furnishings and china. But after listening to a conservative drone on this morning about "the good old days" I do have some nostaliga for that decade. The things I wish we still had are:

* A strong manufacturing base and union membership
* An innovative, forward-looking design movement
* A fiscally responsible Republican party
* A morally responsible Democratic party (and I mean that in the true sense of morals, not the fakey fundie sense of morals)
* A Strong, well-financed public schools and university system
* Responsible corporate governance
* A "Middle-class" friendly tax code
* Affordable housing

These were the things that made our country strong, and our middle class the force that is was when I was growing up - Not the sexism, racism, and rigid conformity the conservatives miss, but as I've pointed out before, Conservatives are none too bright. If they were, they wouldn't be conservatives.


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