The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Atlas Shrugged led me to a Revelation!

Dearest ones, I struggle no more. Last night I finally gave up on "Atlas Shrugged". I wouldn't have minded if it were a serious political book, or a well-written story, but it was neither. It is just a boring, heavy-handed, mess of a book, and I'll have no more of it. (Although I might look at the Cliff notes to see who ends up getting raped)

But it did help me to come to a revelation of sorts: GENERALLY SPEAKING, liberals have a better work ethic. The way that the old bat rips on what I assume to be liberals in this stupid, stupid book made me take a look around, and that's how I came to that conclusion.

I should note that by "liberals" I don't mean your average hippy twentysomething selling beads who calls in late because of too much partying. I mean everyday folks in the working world.

Just yesterday afternoon, at Today's World Magazine (My employer) I saw a great example of this: A task came through that was assigned to one of the office conservatives (unfortunately, we have several). We had already been told we could leave at 3pm IF we had our work done, and he had already logged out in anticipation of that. He didn't want to log back in because then people would "see his IM and start bugging him". So his liberal team partner (let's call her the Director of Fashion) just bit the bullet and did it for him, thus saving his ass AND providing the company with doubtless MILLIONS in revenue over the holiday weekend.

Likewise, the Colonel (who is sort of Roosevelt liberal) has a GAY REPUBLICAN co-worker. The Colonel goes the distance at his job - particularly when it comes to the staffing on the train, because that makes a big difference in passenger's experience (Technically, a train CAN go out without a bartender, but where's the fun in that? You might as well buy a couple of 40 ouncers and hop a freight. Also, the company would lose several thousand dollars in revenue from the bar if were that to happen). The GAY REPUBLICAN resents his efforts, because that means it's expected of him as well, and always tells him "That's not our job", and has threatened to "go on a medical".

Two antcedotes, to be sure, but in talking with my friends (mostly all liberals), I hear the same story a lot: The liberals are the ones who get the job done, and make the world go 'round. The Conservatives sit on their ass and make excuses - just look at Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld for global examples on that. They whine more than the worst middle manager at the most disenfranchised K-Mart EVER.

So thank you, Miss Rand - you odious, odious hack, for helping me to realize that your minions, and people like them, are the true leeches on society. I guess I'm not so sad they communists didn't get you after all.


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