The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Republicans: Are they Fascists or Retards?

I try (really I do) to not get too political on TGTC, if only because I can't imagine that any conservatives would read it (they're generally quite vulgar, after all) and I don't want to preach to the choir.

But let me just say this:

I have come to the conclusion that anyone who would still vote Republican is either actively against everything this country supposedly stands for, or is mentally retarded.

I don't say that lightly, and I don't mean to insult retarded people. But how many times do you have to be lied to and condescended to before you figure it out? Unless you have liquid assets of more than one million dollars and don't work for a living, the Republicans are actively working against your best interest.

Not understanding that goes beyond naivette, and crosses into what I have to consider mental retardation.

So that's all i'm going to say on the matter, and I promise you some fabulous postings about gracious living in the very near future that are sure to make up for you sitting through that.

But really. Who can still call themselves a Republican?


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