The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

CBS Premeire Week!

Every morning, as I get ready for work, I have the radio on. This week a series of spots is featuring something called "Premiere Week" on CBS. To a person of taste and breeding, a premiere is something you dress up and go out to a theatre for, so I have had to fight the urge to rush home and change every night.

These radio spots have been annoying me every day, but the last two days have REALLY annoyed me.

Yesterday, we get the tantalizing news that "Jericho" was premiering. "Jericho" is about some folksy folks in a small Kansas town that get all plucky and self-contained after a nuclear bomb takes out Kansas City, or some such nonsense.

It plays into that small town fairy tale that they all would do JUST FINE if those awful, dirty, liberal-and-foreigner infested big cities (meaning the county seat and up) would just go away. (In reality, they'd kill each other once the Wal-Mart was looted.) This show seems to make no mention of the radioactive fallout and airborne pollutants that would be released in that scenario, but I'm sure Jesus would be there to wave all that away. We are talking about Kansas, after all.

This morning, the inanity continues. These spots are scripted and presented as a hip guy (who is really, really, REALLY into CBS) chatting with some idiots about the "buzz" that is being generated by those wonderful TV shows. All of his "buddies" sound like the type of people you might find at a Cheesecake Factory, or a TGIF.

So tonight, is the "premiere" of that tired old piece of real estate, "Survivor". This year, the tribes are separated by race, and the kids in the ad are giddy about it, just giddy - but one ditz does mention, in as serious voice as one of that intellect can muster, that "it's quite controversial", which adds a nice murrow-esque touch to the spot, don't you think?

But worst of all is the talk surrounding the "premiere" of "SHARK".

"SHARK" is yet another offering in that tired, tired scenario of the maverick professional who plays by his own rules (like the infamous "House", which I tuned into by accident thinking is was something about decorating. Instead, it's about a crabby doctor).

SHARK is an attorney who used to be a defense attorney but now has apparently had some sort of Republican Epiphany (which I'm sure has something to do with the un-avenged death of a child or old person), and has become a prosecutor.

In the ad, we are breathlessly told we are going to hear a clip (so we won't get confused and think we are suddenly eavesdropping on real attorneys), and then hear a doubtlessly tough-as-nails female prosecutor, with that canniness that is common to type says to SHARK something like "You're just here to clear your conscience!" and he snarls back some sort of mutual unpleasentry about having seen the light or some such drivel.

Personally, I can't wait until "Premiere Week" is over. This tiara is killing me, and I really need to get all the vomit out of my ermine. But we have one more day to muddle through....


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