The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Back in Seattle

It's come to my attention, darlings, that some of us may have thought I'm still in Iowa, but there's not a whiff of truth to it. I'm back in Seattle for awhile, preparing for the replumbing of Chez Vel-DuRay, and tackling all of those aesthetic decisions that come with a project of this magnitude (Peuce or Chartreuse? Brass or Chrome? Hot or Cold?) Needless to say, it's a crushing responsibility. Thank GOD for Valium.

The trip home was pleasent. The train from LA to Chicago was right on time, despite all the weather we went through, and the hotel in Chicago was appropriate to a person of taste and distinction, even if the "Magnificient Mile" is getting a bit vulgar. (Really, they should just rename the damn thing the "Macy's Mile" and call it a day)

Once home, I assessed the situation; Mother Vel Du-Ray has lymphoma, but her chances for recovery are excellent. She is undergoing Chemo, but only needing to do it every three weeks, and handling it well. She even has a wig. The plan is for me to come back in February, when the Chemo hopefully ends, and spend another week or so there in Shangra-La.

Life sans Today's World is suprisingly easy to get used to. While yes, there are the occassional moments when I say to myself "If only you hadn't slapped Tommy Hillfinger, you'd still have a job!", those times are few and far between. The only trouble is, I need to find a new job eventually, or else win the lottery. But I'm sure something will show up. The world is yearning too desparately for voices of good taste, as this blog attests, for me to be at liberty for too long, right?

So anyway, life goes on and the battle continues. Courage, Comrades!


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