The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Bitchy Ads on KIXI

Poor poor KIXI (our once-happy little AM station that plays swanky music)

For starters, about a year ago they fired all of their on-air staff and went with a tacky service called "Music of your life" (Hereafter refered to as MOYL). MOYL is so tacky, that their contact email is an AOL address.

But, tacky as it was, I could live with MOYL. But then, the other night as I was sitting in our Tastefully Appointed living room (which I sometimes refer to as the Sala Grande, but that's not important right now), listening to KIXI on the Grundig, they played the most horrible ad: It was some angry middle-aged white guy (you know the type - they always sound like they're about to have a stroke, but they never do) going on about how the "disasterous" election was going to be so horrible for the nation that everyone needed to hoard gold. He ended by screeching something about having to hold onto your Bible for the next two years (presumably because the big bad Liberals were coming to take the Bibles away).

I sent KIXI (Not MOYL) an extremely bitchy email, suggesting that they keep their dignity and just shut down if they had gotten that desparate to attract adversisers. (I haven't heard back from them yet). I'm willing to accept some lowlife products being advertised on the radio (that's the nature of the beast) but some dreadful angry man coming into MY living room (or Sala Grande, as the case may be) and screaming at me about gold and Bibles while I'm trying to relax is just too much.


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