The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Silver Pine

It's something of a joke that we have as many sets of dinnerware as we have, but that's the way life works sometimes. And when something fabulous comes along, you just have to make room for it.

That was the philosophy behind the Colonel's Christmas present to me: A full set of "Silver Pine" dinnerware by the legendary Franciscan Pottery Company!

I think it's very sleek and chic, which means it will be right at home here at Chez Vel-DuRay. The only bad thing is that I don't think it will go through the dishwasher. But that's what the Colonel and Greek are for. They love to get old school on things like dirty dishes, and who am I to stand in their way?


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