The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

For the Wisconsin Housewife.....

Darlings, Where has the summer gone? I keep starting posts and abandoning them, and before I know it, here it is time for me to start harranging you about Thanksgiving!

It's been a busy few months here at Chez Vel-DuRay: The Greek bought a condo, and we've been slowly moving her out. My district at work got expanded to include the fabulous Olympic Manor. The Colonel has been traveling to Delaware and points east. I finally got The Professor to ship his dining room table to his sister. We painted the deck. It simply never ends.

Mother Vel-DuRay is feeling quite well (knock on wood) and we're cautiously optimistic that she might be able to come out here for Thanksgiving, along with sister-woman. Time will tell, of course, but keep your fingers crossed.

But with The Greek's departure, all eyes turn to decorating. The extra bedroom is going to be transformed - transformed, I tell you - into a stately sort of room. One that is more in keeping with The Colonel's taste. It shall be a Study. A Library. A den, if you will. I'm thinking darker wood, a touch of brass, a hint of chintz. And pearl gray or maybe taupe. Whatever happens, it promises to be a STUNNING departure from the rest of Chez Vel-DuRay, but every bit as tasteful, so stay tuned.


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