The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

The 12 days of sad Christmas Misfits: Day One

While I generally despise anything crafty (other than a well-crafted bon mot, of course) I do have a soft spot for products of involuntary crafters - cub scouts, invalids, and the like - especially at Christmas time.

You know the gig: Some sadistic scout leader or art teacher decides that everyone is going to make a Santa out of old pantyhose, and give it to their mother. Mother, upon receiving the gift, ooohs and aaahs over it, and then promptly puts it in the attic for the next sixty years, to be dealt with by that same child when cleaning out the house after she's called home to The Lord.

That's where I come in. If they give me the right vibe, I scoop them up, and place them around the house as part of Our Holiday Decor. The Colonel, having been something of a crafter himself in his day (however did we end up together?) thinks this is simply splendid, so there you go.

Today's example is what I call "the twins": Composed of what I firmly believe are old bottles of Lancer's wine and some felt and styrofoam (felt and styrofoam are a mainstay of the accidental crafter) I suspect that they are supposed to evoke a feeling of an old-timey barbershop quartet. The only trouble is half of the group has gone missing. But those remaining soldier on, bravely exuding Xmas cheer from every pore....


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