The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The 12 days of sad Christmas Misfits: Day Four

Let this be a warning: When you give a middle-aged homosexual a hot glue gun, a red dress, a manequin, some old fake fur, and a bottle of wine, unfortunate things can happen.

I'd heard tell, and I tended to agree, that Mrs. Dan Langdon needed a holiday ensemble. So I gathered myself together, and headed to the Christmas store, where I discovered that a Mrs Santa Outfit would set me back sixty bucks.

So I headed to St. Vincent de Paul, where I found a red dress for $7.00. Then I ascended into the attic of Chez Vel-DuRay, where I had boxes and boxes full of ridiculously oversized xmas stockings (long story). Then I got out my sewing kit, and opened a particularly cheap cab/merlot blend.

The results were this. In a just world, I would never have the nerve to nitpick about other people's attempts at crafts. But this ain't no just world, so you'll have to indulge me.


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