The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

The 12 Days of Sad Christmas Misfits: Day Nine

Today, we shall talk about Nativity sets.

For those of you who don't know (because while 99.9% of my readers are people of taste and decency, there are the occasional interlopers who find their way here by accident, and need help on the road to tastefulness) a Nativity set is a recreation of the birth of Our Lord.

Most Nativity sets are tastefully done: Plaster or sometimes crystal, with a small structure intended to represent the barn that He was born in. Most non-crystal versions make at least an attempt to show that the Holy Family was not white (although the results is usually sort of a Mediterranean complexion - as if Mary and Joseph had come down to Israel for vacation, and forgot to make reservations at the Sheraton)

But I saw one today that was the epitome of poor Christmas Taste and a true offense to decency. Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you the Precious Moments Nativity Set.

This is so wrong on so many levels. Ignoring the whole color thing for a moment, they look like they're seven! While Mary was undoubtedly quite young (those ancient people were depraved!) she was a least of a "womanly age" when the Angel visited her with the glad tidings that she was knocked up and about to give birth to the savior of the world (The Angel left out the part about how she didn't get to have sex, and how her child is going to die a horrible death. He also neglected to mention that the child's followers would be responsible for untold miseries in His name, and how she would be continuously pestered by Catholics wanting stuff during her afterlife, but sometime it's hard to keep track of details. Or maybe that info was above his pay grade.)

Anyway, at a cool $150, there was no way I was bringing that to Chez Vel-Duray. I would do almost anything for you dear readers, but that is one thing I am not prepared to do.

But I can't leave you without restoring a modicum of taste to the post, so I will close with this picture of the Vel-DuRay nativity set, which was purchased from Kilpatrick's Department Store in Omaha back in 1960 or thereabouts. It's a family heirloom, and while a bit worse for the wear, it still has oodles more class than that vulgar Precious Moments set.


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