The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Housekeeping Hints for the New Millenium: Rearrange Your Doorbell Chimes!

During these long, cold winter nights we need something to keep us amused other than just gin. So why not rearrange the chimes on your doorbell?

The doorbell at Chez Vel-DuRay played the traditional eight chime "Westminster" tune. Appropriate. Tasteful. Perfectly suitable for a home of distinction in one of Our Better Neighborhoods. But I was in the mood for a change.

Did you know that, appropriately rearranged, the notes of the Westminster song will play "How Dry I am"? Well, they do!

It's not something I'll keep forever, of course: Things like this tend to get The Colonel all tense and nervous, but it's a nice change. Try it on your doorbell. Maybe there's other songs it can sing!


  • At 7:57 PM, Blogger daisymayrobin said…

    Dear Mr Good Taste: The Hub and I have almost the EXACT same doorbell style as shown in your photo. Unfortunately, when you press the buzzer at the front door, it no longer works (it worked when we first moved in). Would you or the Colonel have some advice on how to fix it? I have no idea. Thanks and much love, DaisyMayRobin

  • At 2:28 PM, Blogger Kittykat said…

    I haven't thought of the tune "How Dry I Am" in ages! My grandparents had a scary ceramic clown/hobo figure that you wound up and he would rotate and that song would play. Good times.


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