The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Oh, for Christ's Sake....

I get the email newsletter from the American Family Association - the notoriously anti-just-about-anything-intelligent organization based out of some godforsaken shithole in the south (aren't they always?)

Anyway, they've had their carefully hidden panties in a bunch recently about Proctor & Gamble - the multinational soap, etc company that is based out of Cincinatti. It seems that P&G has been trying to get their hometown to not be such an embarassment (they don't like homos) and come into the 19th Century by repealing a really dumb law they passed in 1990 or so.

The AFA has been pushing a boycott of three big P&G products: Tide, Pampers and Crest. While I have no need for Pampers, and usually go for a bit more of a high-end product than either Tide or Crest, I find myself purchasing these items recently, and giving them to friends as gifts. While I am fully aware that my little purchases are like the proverbial teaspoon in the ocean (however that cliche goes) I do feel that I am doing my part to counteract whatever the white trash - who are the only people who would follow such a boycott - are doing.

On the upside, I just received an email from them stating, with predictable hysteria, that "Procter & Gamble actively seeks out individuals who practice the abnormal and destructive homosexual lifestyle to come to work for the company." via a website called , which I had never heard of. Any of you reading this - all five of you - whether you are gay or straight, should check this site out. After all, These pseudo-Christian freaks should be good for something.


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