The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Horray for Iowa

Despite the fact that they went for Bush in the election (I always thought Iowans were smarter than Nebraskans, but I guess everyone has their lapses) I really have to hand it to Iowa for being such a well-run, nice state.

I needed my birth certificate so I could get a passport. I went on the web, found the right office, called 'em up, and placed the order. No hassle, no drama, no dealing with mouth breathers (as I probably would have had to have done had I called Olympia) and the brief time I was on hold I listened to some quintessential Iowa lady talk about the difference between Brahms and Mozart from some public radio station.

I credit this to the fine educational system and the fact that there are no military bases in Iowa - the gene pool is still relatively unpolluted.

So hats off to Iowa. Even if they do tend to like Victorian architecture.


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