The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Helen Thomas: The epitome of class

Sometimes you just see something of such amazingly good taste - far more tasteful than even the most tasteful coffee table or fabulous light fixture - that we have to comment on it. Today's example of that is long time journalist Helen Thomas.

Helen is a little old lady with a huge set of balls. Much more than idiots like Wolf Blitzer, Sean Hannitty or Bill O'Reilly. She did the unthinkable today. She called bush on his line of crap. And bush, as to be expected, failed miserably.

Here's a link to a page that explains it much better than I could. Suffice to say that it was complete and utter shit on bush's part of course. If only more of the Washington press corps had the guts of this little old lady


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