The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Tuna and Powdered milk casserole

Those darlings in the Bush administration are at it again. They are now advising us that we should stock up on tuna fish and powdered milk, and keep it under the bed, of all places, when the bird flu hits.

These people really are idiots, you know. And while I'm sure that none of my readers were foolish enough to vote for them, we all have to live with the consequences. So, in the interest of National Security, and Preserving Our Way Of Life, I present you with this recipe for Tuna and Powdered Milk Casserole.

One can of Tuna, oil or water packed is fine
One can of Powdered Milk.

Get under bed.
Open cans and combine.
Mix well.
Take Tuna and Powdered Milk mixture, and throw it at the nearest republican you can find.

Be sure to wash your hand well, and wear a mask.

Seriously, dear readers, "Pandemic" is a scary word, but just remember this: We've had 'em before, and we'll have 'em again. It's not because Jesus is angry or because there's a terrorist under your bed (with your tuna and powdered milk).

Don't get caught up in the Republican fear machine.


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